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Official Statement – The Matariki Network and Dartmouth

From the Chair and Secretariat, on behalf of Matariki Network Members

The Matariki Network regrets that Dartmouth has made the decision to leave the Network on 1 July 2025.  

For over a decade, Dartmouth has been one of the seven pillars and a founding member of the Matariki Network. During this time, Dartmouth has supported the Network by upholding our vision of building upon each partner’s strengths to develop international excellence in research and education while promoting social responsibility on a local and global scale.  

The Matariki Network wishes to express its deepest gratitude to all our colleagues at Dartmouth who have contributed to this partnership through their dedication, contributions, insight, and passion. We shall cherish the years of friendship and are appreciative of our shared collaborations. 

The Matariki Network remains committed to its mission and will continue to foster and strengthen global partnership amongst its members. 

The Matariki Network Secretariat  

6 December 2024