Matariki Indigenous Student Mobility Programme

Matariki Indigenous Student Mobility Programme
Building on their commitment to fostering scholarship on, and deepening understanding of, indigenous peoples, Dartmouth College, the University of Otago the University of Western Australia, Queen’s University and Durham Uinversity are collaborating to offer an Indigenous Student Mobility Programme to students across the Matariki Network. Most of these institutions have experience in Indigenous issues, have Indigenous student populations and are able to offer participants in the programme an immersion experience through links with local Indigenous communities. The concept for the programme is that a small group of students from each participating institution participates in a two week academic programme run at each of the organising institutions in successive years. Participants gain exposure to issues of great significance to local host and partner university indigenous communities, and an understanding of how those issues may be addressed in their respective home countries. The first edition of the programme was held at Otago in 2016 and the second at UWA in 2017. This was followed by a programme at Dartmouth in 2018, and the final event at Queen’s in June 2019. The Matariki Executive Board has recently approved a second round of student mobility events, to run from 2020-2023 – More information coming soon!