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Visiting Professorship Opportunity in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University

Colleagues from across the Matariki Network are invited to submit expressions of interest to become a Zennström Visiting Professor in Climate Change Leadership in 2018 or beyond. The position is for 1-2 years and will allow the successful candidate to interact with a growing network of researchers, educators, students and practitioners to contribute to the development of the exciting field of Climate Change Leadership.

For further information and details on the visiting professorship, including the terms, appointment process and format of an Expression of Interest needed by February 1 2018, please contact:

Marika Edoff, Professor at Department of Engineering Sciences
Phone: +46184717249, +46704250895
Email: [email protected]


Isak Stoddard, Coordinator for the Zennström Professorship in Climate Change Leadership
Phone: +46184712708, +46703147236
Email: [email protected]

More information here: